[FFmpeg-cvslog] [propchange]: r11936 - svn:log

diego subversion
Fri Feb 15 10:50:09 CET 2008

Author: diego
Revision: 11936
Property Name: svn:log
Action: modified

Property diff:
--- old property value
+++ new property value
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Header elision muxing support.
-This only removes 2 bytes from mp3 and mp2 currently.
-Up to 4 could be removed from mp3/mp2 though this might need a 2pass muxer.
-Prmitiv code to remove headers from mpeg1/2/4 is there too but for the
-single file i tried it for (the one in the regression tests) it was a loss
-because all video frames where >4096 byte, so that its disabled ATM.
+This only removes 2 bytes from MP3 and MP2 currently.
+Up to 4 could be removed from MP3/MP2 though this might need a 2pass muxer.
+Primitive code to remove headers from MPEG-1/2/4 is there too but for the
+single file I tried it on (the one in the regression tests), it was a loss
+because all video frames were >4096 byte, so that it is disabled ATM.

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