[FFmpeg-cvslog] doc/filters: merge asplit and split documentation

Stefano Sabatini git at videolan.org
Mon Apr 15 23:43:36 CEST 2013

ffmpeg | branch: master | Stefano Sabatini <stefasab at gmail.com> | Mon Apr 15 21:29:29 2013 +0200| [41985cb0ab80c26a25f54a218a3885096b60ddcd] | committer: Stefano Sabatini

doc/filters: merge asplit and split documentation

Also move them to multimedia filters section.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=41985cb0ab80c26a25f54a218a3885096b60ddcd

 doc/filters.texi |   90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/filters.texi b/doc/filters.texi
index 8d0f31c..5c2a54a 100644
--- a/doc/filters.texi
+++ b/doc/filters.texi
@@ -934,32 +934,6 @@ the data is treated as if all the planes were concatenated.
 A list of Adler-32 checksums for each data plane.
 @end table
- at section asplit
-Split input audio into several identical outputs.
-The filter accepts a single parameter which specifies the number of outputs. If
-unspecified, it defaults to 2.
-For example:
- at example
-[in] asplit [out0][out1]
- at end example
-will create two separate outputs from the same input.
-To create 3 or more outputs, you need to specify the number of
-outputs, like in:
- at example
-[in] asplit=3 [out0][out1][out2]
- at end example
- at example
-ffmpeg -i INPUT -filter_complex asplit=5 OUTPUT
- at end example
-will create 5 copies of the input audio.
 @section astreamsync
 Forward two audio streams and control the order the buffers are forwarded.
@@ -5723,29 +5697,6 @@ which is equivalent to:
 @end example
- at section split
-Split input video into several identical outputs.
-The filter accepts a single option @option{outputs} which specifies
-the number of outputs. If unspecified, it defaults to 2.
-For example
- at example
-ffmpeg -i INPUT -filter_complex split=5 OUTPUT
- at end example
-will create 5 copies of the input video.
-For example:
- at example
-[in] split [splitout1][splitout2];
-[splitout1] crop=100:100:0:0    [cropout];
-[splitout2] pad=200:200:100:100 [padout];
- at end example
-will create two separate outputs from the same input, one cropped and
-one padded.
 @section super2xsai
 Scale the input by 2x and smooth using the Super2xSaI (Scale and
@@ -7532,6 +7483,47 @@ aevalsrc=sin(1*2*PI*t)*sin(880*2*PI*t):cos(2*PI*200*t),asplit[out0],showwaves=r=
 @end example
 @end itemize
+ at section split, asplit
+Split input into several identical outputs.
+ at code{asplit} works with audio input, @code{split} with video.
+The filter accepts a single parameter which specifies the number of outputs. If
+unspecified, it defaults to 2.
+ at subsection Examples
+ at itemize
+ at item
+Create two separate outputs from the same input:
+ at example
+[in] split [out0][out1]
+ at end example
+ at item
+To create 3 or more outputs, you need to specify the number of
+outputs, like in:
+ at example
+[in] asplit=3 [out0][out1][out2]
+ at end example
+ at item
+Create two separate outputs from the same input, one cropped and
+one padded:
+ at example
+[in] split [splitout1][splitout2];
+[splitout1] crop=100:100:0:0    [cropout];
+[splitout2] pad=200:200:100:100 [padout];
+ at end example
+ at item
+Create 5 copies of the input audio with @command{ffmpeg}:
+ at example
+ffmpeg -i INPUT -filter_complex asplit=5 OUTPUT
+ at end example
+ at end itemize
 @chapter Multimedia Sources

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