[Ffmpeg-devel] does ffmpeg supports wmv9?

Guillaume POIRIER poirierg
Wed Mar 8 09:20:30 CET 2006


On 3/8/06, shauli.rozen at gmail.com <shauli.rozen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi experts , I am really new to ffmpeg and wonder
> if it supports wmv9 , and if it doesn't , are there any plans to
> support it in the future?

There's is a preliminary support, but it crashes and doesn't work. So
in short: no, there's no such support.
Yes, it's planned to add support for it. FFmpeg just need someone to
do it, and do it right! :)

Maybe a bounty could be placed on that?

The reference decoder _could_ be used as a start, but I suppose that
for legal  issues (let alone performance), it can't be just copy and
pasted. More here:


Reinventing the wheel certainly is annoying, but as long as all other
wheels are square...

Reimar D?ffinger

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