[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] fix (?) 2pass convergence errors

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml
Sun Sep 3 19:12:42 CEST 2006

Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>>>> The attached patch should, I think, fix the recent errors we've been
>>>> having with "Error: 2pass curve failed to converge". I've tested with
>>>> mencoder and ffmpeg and I haven't seen anything wrong.
>>>> Does this look ok to apply?
>>> Is there some reason why you are using NULL context in av_log() calls?
>> I didn't think the context was necessary for those particular messages.
>> If it is, somebody should tell me.
> of course should they have a context, think of a multithreded app which
> encodes more then 1 file at the same time

Ok, I changed that. I also changed the "requested bitrate: " message to

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