[Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Activate guards in avcodec_default_get_buffer

Michel Bardiaux mbardiaux
Wed Jan 31 12:20:52 CET 2007

Regression OK.

Note that not everything is perfect: when bmp.c did miss the call to 
release_buffer, the error status percolated back to ffmpeg.c line 1936, 
where it has no way to know it's a coding error, assumes it's a 
corrupted input file, and proceeds to 'redo'...

Michel Bardiaux
R&D Director
T +32 [0] 2 790 29 41
F +32 [0] 2 790 29 02
E mailto:mbardiaux at mediaxim.be

Mediaxim NV/SA
Vorstlaan 191 Boulevard du Souverain
Brussel 1160 Bruxelles
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