[FFmpeg-devel] donation for snow

Lars Täuber lars.taeuber
Tue Nov 4 18:59:42 CET 2008

Hi there!

I was one of the FFmpeg supporters who wanted to donate some money for the completion of the snow codec.
Since the additional info was put on the web site no one was interested. At least on the devel list and on my private mail account no one had evinced any interest in doing it.

I'm thinking of withdrawing my donation.
If there is someone interested in doing it and contacting the list or me privately and promises the completion in a foreseeable future I would think about raising the fund once more. Otherwise I will withdraw my donation in December.

I'll be sorry to do this but it seems snow will die before beeing born.

Any way many thanks to Michael for inventing snow! I was very excited about it.

Best regards.

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