[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Speedup make removing implicit rules for makefiles and dependencies (cure for slow "make" in MSYS+MinGW)

Adam Strzelecki ono
Tue Oct 27 23:28:19 CET 2009

Lately I was obliged to make sure one of my multiplatform projects  
using FFmpeg compiles well on MinGW. Then I found out the "make" takes  
AGES in MSYS+MinGW. All because "include *.dep" causes implicit rules  
on .d files (checkout "make -d"), while file testing on UNIX is pretty  
cheap, it's not in Windoze.
So here's a cure that really speeds up "make" in Windoze, and of  
course on other systems, however the speed up not so significant on  
(1) Puts all dependency files to .PHONY, which cancels implicit rules
(2) Define empty rules for Makefile, common.mak, subdir.mak &  
config.mak that cancels implicit rules also for those files
(3) Define empty rules for .svn/entries & version.sh... as above

Best regards,
Adam Strzelecki | nanoant.com

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