[FFmpeg-devel] Image sequence file names

Robert Petka robert.petka at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 22:43:17 CEST 2011

Dňa 31. 8. 2011 0:59, Michael Niedermayer  wrote / napísal(a):
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 12:08:56AM +0200, Robert Petka wrote:
> when you do, please write the implementation so as to avoid known
> bugs in dirname.
> the manpage says (dunno if you have the manpages on msys)
>   BUGS
>         In the glibc implementation of the POSIX versions of these functions they modify their argument, and segfault when called with a static string like "/usr/".  Before glibc 2.2.1, the  glibc  version
>         of dirname() did not correctly handle pathnames with trailing '/' characters, and generated a segfault if given a NULL argument.
> [...]
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Here's the modified patch file with dirname usage.

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