[FFmpeg-devel] libaacplus build problem

C Chatterjee cchatterj at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 5 06:45:04 CET 2011

I am building libaacplus library in MSYS/MINGW32 for use with the latest FFMPEG release 0.8.5.

I downloaded libaacplus-2.0.2.tar.gz from http://tipok.org.ua/node/17

Did the following:

./autogen.sh --enable-shared

See attached error I get for make. It hangs there for ever with the message 
sh 2720 sig_end: wait for sig_complete event failed, signal -2, rc 258, Win32 error 0

Pls let me know what is missing and how can I overcome this.

I have tried ./autogen.sh - no difference.

I tried this in XP and Win7 - no difference.


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