[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] LICENSE: Complete GPL'd external libraries list

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sat Jun 8 05:59:03 CEST 2013

Timothy Gu <timothygu99 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> The first paragraph of FTL is the same as clause 3 
> of the 3-clause BSD license, and the second 
> paragraph said "suggest, but do not require", so 
> it doesn't really matter.
> I don't think providing a warning is necessary 
> because we don't do that with 3-clause BSD, and 
> the advertisement clause is basically the same as 
> BSD, with the 2nd paragraph that doesn't matter.

I completely misunderstand this email because I 
don't understand how 3-clause bsd is related to 
The FreeType Project license (so I mixed up with 
4-clause bsd license and thought your were 
referring to that paragraph).

The relevant sentence - imo - is:

      If you use
      it, or  only parts of it,  in a program,  you must acknowledge
      somewhere  in  your  documentation  that  you  have  used  the
      FreeType code. (`credits')

I believe it is possible to fulfill this with 
FFmpeg libraries compiled under LGPL and linked 
to a commercial program (and libfreetype) but I 
don't think we can test this in configure.

IANAL, Carl Eugen

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