[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 3/4] avdevice/decklink_dec: Added Closed caption decode from VANC

Jeyapal, Karthick kjeyapal at akamai.com
Thu Sep 14 08:45:16 EEST 2017

Hi Marton,

Thanks a lot for your comments. I have modified the patch as per all your comments, except the below one.

>> +            tgt = teletext_data_unit_from_ancillary_packet(buf, buf + 1920, tgt, cctx->teletext_lines, 0);
>this should be
>                tgt = teletext_data_unit_from_ancillary_packet(buf, buf + len, tgt, cctx->teletext_lines, 1);

I have modified it as

tgt = teletext_data_unit_from_ancillary_packet(buf, buf + len, tgt, cctx->teletext_lines, 0);

That was just to be in consistency with the existing code. Because current code passes allow_multipacket as 0. Let me know if my understanding here is correct.

Please find the patch attached.


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