[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 2/2] fftools/ffmpeg: Add stream metadata from first frame's metadata

Gyan ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Wed May 8 10:08:08 EEST 2019

On 08-05-2019 12:25 PM, Jun Li wrote:
> On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 11:40 PM Gyan <ffmpeg at gyani.pro> wrote:
>> Also, is there a chance that there may be multiple sources for
>> orientation data available for a given stream? If yes, what's the
>> interaction? It looks like you append a new SD element.
> Thanks Gyan for review !
> Nicolas George asked the same question before. :)
> Yes, this patch can't handle the case every frame has its own orientation.
>  From a technical perspective, it is absolutely possible, for example a
> motion jpeg stream with different orientation value
> on every frame. I think an ideal solution for this case is a filter doing
> transformation per orientation every frame.

I'm not referring to dynamic per-frame orientation.

I'm wondering about a scenario where the container has orientation 
metadata and so does the packet payload (which can only be accessed by 
the decoder). Is there any possibility of that happening? What if they 
are different?


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