[FFmpeg-devel] Is it ok to add G.722.1 decoder as external lib?

Tomas Härdin tjoppen at acc.umu.se
Tue Sep 17 10:33:30 EEST 2019

tis 2019-09-17 klockan 09:29 +0900 skrev Hyun Yoo:
> I implemented a g.722.1 decoder by linking FreeSwitch's libg722_1
> as external lib like libilbc, libspeex(ex. configure --enable-
> libg722_1)
> (https://github.com/traviscross/freeswitch/tree/master/libs/libg722_1
> )
> But I'm not sure about the license issue
> because g.722.1 is licensed by Polycom(royalty-free)

The software license sounds like it's non-free

> Getting permission is my(commiter) job? or user(who link and
> compile)'s job?

If FFmpeg could get the appropriate paperwork to relicense it under say
LGPL that would be great. Else it would be up to the user

We've had some discussions before about non-free codec wrappers in the
codebase, and most developers are not very fond of them. Perhaps an
effort to implement our own encoder would be worthwhile? The patents
are a non-issue for European users


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