[FFmpeg-trac] hls live rawvideo recode

Alex Zach alex.z at elasticmedia.io
Mon Oct 2 15:30:19 EEST 2017

The -live_start_index option would not work when -codec:v rawvideo is

(Working) ffmpeg -ilive_start_index 0 -i input.m3u8 -pix_fmt bgr24
-filter:v showinfo -f image2pipe - | ffplay -
(Working) ffmpeg -i input.m3u8 -pixel_fmt bgr24 -codec:v rawvideo -filter:v
showinfo -f image2pipe - | ffplay -

(NOT Working) ffmpeg -ilive_start_index 0 -i input.m3u8 -pix_fmt bgr24
-codec:v rawvideo -filter:v showinfo -f image2pipe - | ffplay -
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