[FFmpeg-user] Text in upper-right-corner of a .flv

Kevin kev at xithing.com
Fri Aug 12 12:42:23 CEST 2011


At this moment I use a php5-webpage to upload and convert 
regular-movie-files into .flv files. I there for use the commandline:

exec("ffmpeg -i ".$path."/".$moviepath."/".$oldfilename." -acodec mp3 -ar 
".$audrange." -ab ".$audbitr." -f flv -s ".$videosize." -b ".$videobit." 

Is it possible to add a text, for example: (c) THISCLIPISMINE.XYZ, in the 
upper-right-corner of the entire .flv-output-file?

Related question: 
The PHP-script takes a picture from the movie, that I can use as a 
thumbnail. I also want on this picture a text, for example: (c) 
THISCLIPISMINE.XYZ, in the upper-right-corner. Is this possible?

exec("ffmpeg -y -i ".$path."/".$moviepath."/".$foldileame." -vframes 1 -ss 
00:00:02 -an -vcodec png -f rawvideo -s 320x240 

Who can help me? What do I have to do?

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