[FFmpeg-user] Need code to convert MP4 to DivX AVI

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sat Aug 25 07:49:55 CEST 2012

. <peace <at> AleksandrSolzhenitsyn.net> writes:

> $ ffmpeg -i input -vcodec libxvid yo.avi
> The following error message occurs-
> Unknown encoder 'libxvid'

Short answer:
$ ffmpeg -i input -qscale 2 -vtag DX50 out.avi

Long answer:
For a long time, FFmpeg developers believe that their 
mpeg4 ASP encoder (that is what DivX and Xvid are) is 
better than the mentioned counterparts. It has the 
disadvantage that it may be more difficult to tune it 
correctly, but above line simply gives you "best 
quality, largest filesize" so this should not matter.

(Finally: FFmpeg does not support the DivX encoder, 
only two better encoders that produce the same format.)

Carl Eugen

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