[FFmpeg-user] Installation issue

Diego Fedrigo saratogadental.diegofedrigo at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 17:17:24 CET 2013

Good  morning,
I've try a lot of different way to install ffmpeg, but without good results.
Please share the correct way, I want to re-try with a new and clear OS.
My system works in a VBox, ubuntu 10.04, but i've also try with kubuntu
12.10, with the same results.
I can install ffmpeg from source but i can not use aac.
Please let me know

Best regards,

Diego Fedrigo

*Saratoga S.p.A*
Via L.Savio, 7 - 33170 PORDENONE - ITALY

phone     +39 0434 572600
fax          +39 0434 572477
email       saratogadental.DiegoFedrigo at gmail.com
Skype     Diego_Fedrigo
web site   www.saratogadental.it

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