[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg-2.1.1 latest - raw data decode/encode appears broken

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu Jan 2 20:19:29 CET 2014

David Favor <david <at> davidfavor.com> writes:

> This .VOB file contains three streams - simple audio 
> + simple video...
> And a dvd_nav_packet stream which is a complex, 
> template based, menu system to navigate to different 
> points in the other .VOB files
> I'd like to break apart this .VOB file into audio + video 
> + data files. Then edit the audio + video + reassemble 
> the .VOB file with these three files. Seems very simple.

If you cannot use FFmpeg to "edit" your audio and video 
stream (you did not explain why), edit it with whatever 
applications you want to use, then remux the result together 
with the original data stream into a new vob file.
Why do you want to save the only stream that you do not want 
to edit in an independent file?

Carl Eugen

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