[FFmpeg-user] Concatenated H.264 or H.265 might not play correctly.drop=#

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Tue Jul 22 12:46:09 CEST 2014

Luke Davis <l1 <at> newanswertech.com> writes:

> [sdp  <at>  0x1fcc0a0] Concatenated H.264 or H.265 
> might not play correctly.drop=5
> The drop number increases over time.
> The source is sending 15 FPS, with a keyframe every 5.
> So my questions are:
> 1.  What damage is actually happening to my outgoing 
> stream here, and is this a problem that can eventually 
> disrupt the stream?  I assume it is frames being 
> dropped?

Only you can answer this question.

> 2.  Is there any way to solve this, other than not 
> using H264?  I can use MPEG video, but the quality 
> is less (looks noticeably worse).

That is expected, H264 is the best video codec with 
usable speed.

> 3.  If it is not solvable, is there any way to 
> suppress the warning without losing other potentially 
> helpful warnings?

You could patch your source.

> 4.  What about this timebase warning?  What am I 
> doing wrong to cause that?

Please test current FFmpeg git head before reporting 
issues here.
(This was fixed.)

Carl Eugen

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