[FFmpeg-user] ffprobe: Not using full CPU, regardless of "-threads" parameter

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed Sep 17 17:27:20 CEST 2014

Peter B. <pb <at> das-werkstatt.com> writes:

> Yes, they are absolutely different use cases. I just 
> brought the ffmpeg-framemd5 example to illustrate 
> that it's neither the source file's encoding, nor 
> the disk that might limit ffprobe.

But you are claiming that there is an ffprobe problem.
This is certainly not impossible but running the same 
command with ffmpeg should (??) show you that there is 
no issue with ffprobe but that you are using a filter 
that does not support multi-threading and is 
significantly slower than decoding.

Carl Eugen

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