[FFmpeg-user] High Quality WEBM

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Dec 22 21:42:56 CET 2015

Am 22.12.2015 um 21:36 schrieb jd1008:
>> you just need to play around with the bitrate
>> especially when you upsacle
>> -vf is *not* about the bitrate
>> step back to my first response and look at the other params too
> I read it and it does not answer my questions :( :(


-vb: video bitrate
-ab: audio bitrate
-bt: bitrate tolerance
-maxrate: RTFM VBR
-ar: audio frame rate
-ac: audio channels
-r: frame rate
-vf: video filter
-async: RTFM
-vcodec: video codec
-acodec: audio codedc
-strict: use internal encoders


/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -hide_banner -i '/www/temp/12.m4v'
-y -vb
'384k' -ab '96k' -bt '64k' -maxrate '480k' -ar '44100' -ac '2' -r
'25' -vf
'scale=320:176,setdar=16/9,pad=320:180:0:2:000000' -async '1' -vcodec
'libvpx' -acodec 'vorbis' -strict 'experimental' -g '120' -level '216'
-profile '0' -qmax '42' -qmin '0' -slices '4' -threads '6' -metadata

> And I think you are NOT helping anyone by your replies :(

luckily YOU ARE NOT the OP which answered "That's a big help"

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