[FFmpeg-user] V210 is a packet format but ffmpeg shows always yuv422p10le (planar?) - or how to read a V210.raw stream with ffmpeg?

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu May 21 11:10:03 CEST 2015

Christoph Gerstbauer <christophgerstbauer <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > You have to know the size of one frame ("1234"),
> > then please try:
> > $ cat 16x9.raw|ffmpeg -f image2pipe -frame_size 1234
> > -vcodec v210 -s pal -i - out.avi
> What defnies the SIZE of 1234? Bytes/Bits?

Size of 16x9.raw / number of frames?

> Am am not able to do "cat" on my windows machine.

(type == cat)
Just do ffmpeg -f image2pipe ... -i 16x9.raw

Please leave an empty line between the quotes and your 
answer, your emails are hard to read.

Carl Eugen

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