[FFmpeg-user] screen capture - small files

Jannes Faber jannes.faber at gmail.com
Mon Nov 23 11:53:35 CET 2015

I'm recording all audio input and outputs that my laptop has. Including a
USB audio interface to hook up XLR microphones.

I'm using pulseaudio to find all audio sources, set their volume and simply
record all of them, so I can later decide which ones to actually use when

Attached is the whole script. I'm using Fedora 23 and some things (paths)
might be specific to that. My laptop is used for giving "powerpoint"
presentations, so I record whatever they are showing on the beamer as well
as any audio (in or out). I record their faces separately with a camera so
I can later combine all that into one video.

In this script, I also set up some pulseaudio stuff that allows me to
listen to all the audio over the network (on my phone) while it's recording.


On 23 November 2015 at 11:23, Jesper Hedin <jesper.hedin at intaktus.se> wrote:

> Thanks a lot!
> Just one question. What is hidden in your shell variables
>    …Jesper
> > I'm using this, although I'm not going for the smallest output:
> >
> > $FFMPEG -hide_banner -loglevel warning -video_size ${W:-1280}x${H:-1024}
> \
> > -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -framerate 30 \
> > -f x11grab -i :0.0 \
> > -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv444p -qp 0 -tune stillimage -preset
> ultrafast
> > -profile:v high444 \
> > -codec:a copy \
> >
> > You want to have a look at the -tune and -preset options.
> >
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