[FFmpeg-user] top posting issue

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Feb 4 14:59:53 CET 2016

Am 04.02.2016 um 14:40 schrieb Phil Rhodes:
>>   no, you are a fool telling others "Ignore complaints about it.
> Please stop insulting me. I haven't insulted you. Your presumptiveness is breathtaking

when you recommend ignoring the list-rules your are either a fool or a troll

>>   "background noise" comes from the list-owners / developers
> That's funny, when I've asked in the past, I have been told that nobody is in charge.
> Except Carl Eugen, of course

and he explains multiple times each week that top-posting is considered 
rude on this list - SO AGAIN: who the fuck are you to recommend others 
ignore that?

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