[FFmpeg-user] id3 tags not really removed?

Rodolfo Medina rodolfo.medina at gmail.com
Wed May 31 15:34:40 EEST 2017

Moritz Barsnick <barsnick at gmx.net> writes:

> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 13:10:18 +0200, Cley Faye wrote:
>> A shot in the dark here since I didn't have the patience to look at how
>> -write_id3v1 work; but if I remember correctly, id3v1 tags are actually
>> appended at the end of the mp3 stream in such a way that some older player
>> would even play them, causing a small burst of audio at the end of such
>> file.
>> If ffmpeg really doesn't handle them when reading the stream, it would
>> explain why 1- they get copied during stream copy, 2- why older tag would
>> still show up first, and maybe also 3- why the new tag would show up after
>> initial playing of the file, if the reader actually move from the end of
>> the file to detect them after reading.
> That was my assumption, and why I suggested using the additional
> option. But I have had enough of shooting in the dark. I created a file
> with both v1 and v2 ID3 tags:
> $ ffmpeg -f lavfi -i anoisesrc -c:a libmp3lame -metadata title='Where is this
> found?' -write_id3v1 1 -t 1 -ac:a 1 -b:a 24k tmp/id3tagtest.mp3
> and converted it in three different ways: $ ffmpeg -i tmp/id3tagtest.mp3
> -metadata title='This is the new tag!' -c copy
> tmp/id3tagtest_copied_and_new_matadate_no_explicit_id3v1.mp3 $ ffmpeg -i
> tmp/id3tagtest.mp3 -write_id3v1 1 -metadata title='This is the new tag!' -c
> copy tmp/id3tagtest_copied_and_new_matadate_explicit_id3v1.mp3 $ ffmpeg -i
> tmp/id3tagtest.mp3 -map_metadata -1 -c copy
> tmp/id3tagtest_copied_and_map_metadata_minus_1.mp3
> and apparently ffmpeg *always* overwrites or at least deletes the old
> ID3v1 tag. None of the three resulting files contained a leak of the
> old tag. (Inspected with "strings".) Period, 'nuff said.
> So, unless I missed something, it's the player's fault.

It seems so.  Sorry for having engaged people in a problem that does not
concern ffmpeg.  Now I changed not only tags, but also file names and the
player still sees old file names.  When I click over them to listen to them,
another song is played in place of them.  It's sort of been crazy (after having
driven *me* crazy! ;-) ).

I know I shouldn't ask, but...  Do you know how this is possibile and...  well,
how could I work it out...?

Thanks, cheers


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