[FFmpeg-user] Preserver PCR

Enrico Vittorini forforumita at outlook.com
Mon Dec 23 21:27:24 EET 2019

Hello all,
i am receiving an HLS stream and make it as TS at the outptut. I would like to preserve the timestamps.

 ffmpeg -y  -f hls -m3u8_hold_counters 0 -max_reload 1 -live_start_index 0 -copyts -i -map 0:p:7 -c copy -f mpegts -muxdelay 0 -muxpreload 0 hls.ts

If i analyze  the original first chunk i have a startime = 0.000884
if i analyze the hls.ts i have a startime= 0.000667

Do not understand why these values are not preserved. Any clue?

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