[FFmpeg-user] Grabbing livestream from youtube is freezing

Krzysztof Kowalczyk krzysiek264 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 16:36:46 EET 2019

I'm trying to grab live stream from youtube to process it with opencv in
python, in order to do so I run subprocess './ffmpeg.exe -i
*Stream_Url_GoesHere* -f image2pipe -pix_fmt bgr24 -vcodec rawvideo -' and
read decoded image from pipe. This works, however, m3u8 playlist on youtube
consists of segments scattered over multiple hosts, and every few seconds I
get about half sec long freeze and similar message:

[hls,applehttp @ 0000018ab246bb00] Opening '
for reading

So is there any way to fix it out other than implementing my own HLS
grabber with some buffering to smooth it out?

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