[FFmpeg-user] Play video and simultaneously record audio

Michael Koch astroelectronic at t-online.de
Sun Jan 19 15:00:52 EET 2020

Am 19.01.2020 um 13:54 schrieb Paul B Mahol:
> On 1/19/20, Michael Koch <astroelectronic at t-online.de> wrote:
>> Hello Gyan,
>>>> I did try the above example (with some changes) but it has another
>>>> problem: FFplay can't be stopped when the video has ended, and it
>>>> uses the full screen. Which means I can't see the console window and
>>>> can't close it. FFmpeg can only be stopped by the task manager.
>>> Looks like your video resolution is equal to or greater than your
>>> display. Add `-vf scale=iw/2:-1` to resize it.
>> ok, this works fine and now I can see the console window and close it
>> when the video has ended.
>>> Add -autoexit to quit ffplay when it detects EOF.
>> This didn't work in my test. The FFplay window remains open and shows
>> the last frame, until I manually close the FFmpeg console window.
>> Pressing "q" or "esc" to close the FFplay window does only work if the
>> video is still running, but not if the video has already ended.
>> I've written a summary into my book in chapter 3.16 (but chapter
>> numbering may change in future):
>> http://www.astro-electronic.de/FFmpeg_Book.pdf
> Book contains obsolete info about v360 filter, please fix it.

you mean the new fisheye output? I saw it, but I'm still waiting for new 
build on Zeranoe so that I can test it.


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