[FFmpeg-user] Different MD5 hashes for identical tracks

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Jun 30 21:58:33 EEST 2020

Am 30.06.20 um 20:51 schrieb raistlin.mlists at yandex.ru:
> Hello Reindl,
>>> There are 2 sample m2ts files (about 84 MB each):
>>> https://mir.cr/0Y8ROTYT (1)
>>> https://mir.cr/RFI1MNOM (2)
>>> Stream a:5 in (1) and stream a:4 in (2) are identical (being binary
>>> compared). Though ffmpeg reports they have different MD5 hashes:
>>> ffmpeg -loglevel 4 -i 00001.m2ts -map 0:a:5 -codec copy -f md5 -
>>> MD5=cee9775826b81d395c7d012e69309270
>>> ffmpeg -loglevel 4 -i 00000.m2ts  -map 0:a:4 -codec copy -f md5 -
>>> MD5=32ccb6d7af46bfdd2100cd68c7622171
>>> MD5 hashes for these streams being decoded (without '-codec copy') are
>>> also different.
>>> How could it be
>> most files have timestamps inside
> Are these timestamps removed by demuxing? As I wrote demuxed tracks
> are byte-to-byte identical

you use diff?

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