[FFmpeg-user] Problem in v360?

Michael Koch astroelectronic at t-online.de
Fri Oct 23 18:19:31 EEST 2020


It seems there is a problem in the v360 filter. This command line 
doesn't rotate the correct point to the image center. The default 
rotation order should be yaw pitch roll, which means after the rotation 
the point with azimut 180° and height +45° should be in the center. It 
is nearby, but not in the center. Tested with latest Windows build, 2 
days old.

ffmpeg -i equirectangular_test.png -vf v360=e:e:yaw=-90:pitch=45 -y out.png

Input image: http://www.astro-electronic.de/equirectangular_test.png


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