[FFmpeg-user] compiling ffmpeg for nvidia gpu under Debian Bullseye

Steve Newcomb srn at coolheads.com
Thu Feb 11 16:58:08 EET 2021

On 2/11/21 9:35 AM, Moritz Barsnick wrote:
> Did you give feedback to nvidia regarding their document?
I wanted to, so I looked around, probably not long enough, and I found 
no obvious way to do so.   I saw no "feedback" links anywhere.  The 
document I was working from was presumably revised last October, I 
think.  To be sure, that doc was extremely helpful, just a tiny bit 
buggy.  Also helpful was the fact that the ffmpeg configuration log said 
exactly what was wrong (deprecated arg) and how to fix the problem.

> perhaps ffmpeg developers need to look at [nvccflags_default value in configure]

I still don't know how to report effectively to that crew.  The last time I tried to put in my $0.02 was unpleasant and frustrating.  Feel free to tell me how to contribute effectively, or to put it through channels yourself.  It does seem pretty clear that the configure script as presently written will always fail.

Thanks for noticing that I'm trying, Moritz!  One does what one can.


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