[FFmpeg-user] Same output bit depth and sampling frequency as input?

Marco Mircoli nuvolablux at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 01:40:27 EET 2021

Hello everybody,
 wondering how to set the same output audio specs (sample rate anche bit
depth) as input.

I tried like that

ffmpeg -i FILE_FROM -af dynaudnorm,loudnorm=I=-16.
5:TP=-1.5:LRA=7 -sample_fmt s16 -ar 44100 FILE_TO

if I have a 48KHZ input, the output is 44100, so doesn't work for my needs

Tried without

ffmpeg -i FILE_FROM -af dynaudnorm,loudnorm=I=-16.
5:TP=-1.5:LRA=7  FILE_TO

The result is: same bit depth of input file but 192Khz sample rate. (file
input sr is 48khz)

Anybody can give me a suggest?

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