[Libav-user] Reference app with ffmpeg n1.2 libs that works on IOS ?

Lars Hammarstrand lars.hammarstrand at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 16:32:23 CEST 2013

2013/4/11 Carl Eugen Hoyos <cehoyos at ag.or.at>

> Lars Hammarstrand <lars.hammarstrand at ...> writes:
> > One idea could be to add an "gas" option to configure,
> > like "--gas=/abosolute/path/to/gas-preprocessor"
> This does already exist afaik.

1. Sorry, not at least in version n1.2.  Here is "configure --help" output
for ffmpeg version n1.2: http://pastebin.com/vKHiZvv5. I've also checked
the configure code.

> > (pls note that this does not work:
> > "--as=/absolute/path/to/gas-preprocessor.pl /path/to/as..." ).
> Please test "/path/to/gcc"
2. I'm afraid it doesn't matter if you are using gcc, as or "whatever
compiler", the problem lies in the ffmpeg configure program *which always
defaults to the gas-preproc in the search path* because of the root cause
described at point 2.2 below.

2.1. For example, If you configure ffmpeg with:

2.2. The basic problem lies in configure, line 3247 which is the line that
is commented out by the xbmc patch:
  3246:    darwin)
  3247:        gas="gas-preprocessor.pl $cc"
                     +---- Wrong path!!

2,2. Configure will produce the following config.mak  (
# config.mak - Automatically generated by configure - do not modify!
AS=gas-preprocessor.pl /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/
    +---- Wrong path!!

2.4. Thus, the end result when running make will still always be:
-I. -I./ [....]
"Unable to identify target architecture at */usr/local/bin/
gas-preprocessor.pl* line 82." (forced error)
                                                           +---- Wrong

Patch (extremely) welcome!
> (My idea is to grep for the right syntax in configure,
> contrary to you I cannot test.)
3. Ok, I'll check with Mans Rullgard to see what can be done about it...
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