[Libav-user] Seeking, timestamps, AVFrame, AVStream

James Board jpboard2 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 16 15:37:11 CEST 2013

>How to seek is actually quite easy so I won't explain that (google it and you

>find it easily), but keep in mind that you must seek to key frames. How to
>(fast) seek to any frame is something I haven't figured out myself, it's not
>something ffmpeg seems to support so I fear you'd have to seek to the
>preceding key frame and then decode some frames until you hit the right one.

I know how to 'seek'.  I don't know how to seek 'correctly'.  My files are
all fvhuff encoded so all frames are key frames.  What I want to know is how
the various pts and dts and all those other members of the AVFrame struct are
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