[Libav-user] How to send RTMP / AMF data with libavformat

Bradley O'Hearne brado at bighillsoftware.com
Wed Jan 29 18:08:55 CET 2014


I am presently successfully streaming video / audio (RTMP) using libavformat. Basically I now need to have the RTMP connection process configure the receiving server for appending video (by default, a new video is created). Per the RTMP spec, this is accomplished by adding AMF data to the body of the RTMP connection request. 

I have the structure of the AMF data ready to go, but I do not know the proper way to configure (presumably) the AVOutputFormat or the AVFormatContext for this data. I would assume this can be done, as I’m pretty sure based on the FFmpeg documentation that this can be done with the command line binary. 

Can anyone lend some guidance to how to accomplish this? 



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