[Libav-user] Hello, I have a question to ask you. When I use the libavcodec library, an exception occurs: 5 frames left in the queue on closing. What is the reason for this problem? How can I fix it?

aszswaz at 163.com aszswaz at 163.com
Mon Jun 7 07:58:37 EEST 2021

I am using libavcodec to mp3 encoding the pcm recording file collected 
by alsa. Please refer to the attachment for the code. Although the code 
can run successfully, the following error will occur:

[libmp3lame @ 0x5653c7e9b880] 5 frames left in the queue on closing.

I want to ask you a few questions:

1. What is the reason for this error?

2. How does this error affect the mp3 audio?

3. How can I solve it?

Here is a detailed information:

computer system: Manjaro x86_64

linux kernel version: Linux 5.12.2-1

ALSA version: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 

ffmpeg version: ffmpeg version n4.4 Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg 

Thank you for reading my mail.

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