<p>Okt, could you give us an example of which function name could not be resolved?</p>
<div class="gmail_quote">Am 01.10.2011 22:28 schrieb "mounir younes" <<a href="mailto:mounir.younes@gmail.com">mounir.younes@gmail.com</a>>:<br type="attribution">> i am using netbeans and in the libraries tab there is a linker command where<br>
> i am adding the libs i stated in the thread before. Netbeans is catching the<br>> libs (giving them a lib icon otherwise it would've given them a "blank"<br>> icon) but I am always getting the "undefined reference to <functionName>"<br>
> (when using ffmpeg functions). I would really appreciate it if someone can<br>> write a really really really small tutorial that shows how to build ur first<br>> ffmpeg program (using the latest ffmpeg) and run it. That would help a lot<br>
> of people other than me for a lot of people are having this problem and some<br>> others after updating ffmpeg.<br>> <br>> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:39 AM, jan hölscher <<a href="mailto:jan.hoelscher@codergrid.de">jan.hoelscher@codergrid.de</a>>wrote:<br>
> <br>>> before we can discuss further, please provide the complete command line to<br>>> the linker and error from it.<br>>><br>>><br>>><br>>> 2011/9/29 mounir younes <<a href="mailto:mounir.younes@gmail.com">mounir.younes@gmail.com</a>><br>
>><br>>>> Yes I did that ! But still having the problem after building.<br>>>><br>>>><br>>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 7:53 PM, jan hölscher <<a href="mailto:jan.hoelscher@codergrid.de">jan.hoelscher@codergrid.de</a><br>
>>> > wrote:<br>>>><br>>>>> did you surround your libav header includes with :<br>>>>><br>>>>> #ifdef __cplusplus<br>>>>> extern "C" {<br>>>>> #endif<br>
>>>> #include <libavformat/avformat.h><br>>>>> #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h><br>>>>> #include <libavcodec/opt.h><br>>>>> #include <libavutil/avutil.h><br>
>>>> #include <libswscale/swscale.h><br>>>>> #include <libavutil/fifo.h><br>>>>> #include <libavutil/rational.h><br>>>>> #ifdef __cplusplus<br>>>>> }<br>
>>>> #endif<br>>>>><br>>>>><br>>>>> 2011/9/28 mounir younes <<a href="mailto:mounir.younes@gmail.com">mounir.younes@gmail.com</a>><br>>>>><br>>>>>> I gave the names without the linker prefix. I keep getting the<br>
>>>>> "undefined reference to" error and cannot solve it.<br>>>>>><br>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 10:43 PM, Alex Cohn <<a href="mailto:alexcohn@netvision.net.il">alexcohn@netvision.net.il</a>>wrote:<br>
>>>>><br>>>>>>> In your list of libs, "-l" is obviously doubled. Try to give the names<br>>>>>>> to the linker without the prefix.<br>>>>>>> On Sep 24, 2011 7:58 AM, "mounir younes" <<a href="mailto:mounir.younes@gmail.com">mounir.younes@gmail.com</a>><br>
>>>>>> wrote:<br>>>>>>> > Hello, I am new to ffmpeg and I am getting compiling errors while<br>>>>>>> compiling<br>>>>>>> > c++ code with ffmpeg libraries. It seems that a lot of people are<br>
>>>>>> getting<br>>>>>>> > this with the new ffmpeg but I couldn't find a solution that I could<br>>>>>>> > understand.<br>>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> > I found a link that says that this<br>
>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> > CXXFLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS ./configure<br>>>>>>> > (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/ffmpegsource/issues/detail?id=11">http://code.google.com/p/ffmpegsource/issues/detail?id=11</a>)<br>
>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> > solves it but unfortunately I tried it but nothing happened and I<br>>>>>>> don't know<br>>>>>>> > what to do ! I am adding the file headers which are being<br>
>>>>>> automatically<br>>>>>>> > detected by netbeans so the libraries are already found. I tried<br>>>>>>> adding<br>>>>>>> > these -lavdevice -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil -lswscale -lbz2 to the<br>
>>>>>> > linker as well<br>>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> > (<br>>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> <a href="http://libav-users.943685.n4.nabble.com/QT-and-FFmpeg-undefined-reference-to-av-free-and-more-td946811.html">http://libav-users.943685.n4.nabble.com/QT-and-FFmpeg-undefined-reference-to-av-free-and-more-td946811.html</a><br>
>>>>>> > )<br>>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> > when adding them netbeans knew them and gave them proper library<br>>>>>>> icons (thus<br>>>>>>> > it recognized that these libraries are present otherwise it would've<br>
>>>>>> > replaced them with a white icon with question mark). But, when<br>>>>>>> compiling I<br>>>>>>> > get this<br>>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lavdevice<br>
>>>>>> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lavformat<br>>>>>>> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lavcodec<br>>>>>>> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lavutil<br>>>>>>> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lswscale<br>
>>>>>> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l-lbz2<br>>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> > And this is really killing me. I have been trying to solve this for<br>>>>>>> days.<br>
>>>>>> ><br>>>>>>> > Thank you in advance.<br>>>>>>><br>>>>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>>>>> Libav-user mailing list<br>
>>>>>> <a href="mailto:Libav-user@ffmpeg.org">Libav-user@ffmpeg.org</a><br>>>>>>> <a href="http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user">http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user</a><br>
>>>>>><br>>>>>>><br>>>>>><br>>>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>>>> Libav-user mailing list<br>>>>>> <a href="mailto:Libav-user@ffmpeg.org">Libav-user@ffmpeg.org</a><br>
>>>>> <a href="http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user">http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user</a><br>>>>>><br>>>>>><br>>>>><br>>>>> _______________________________________________<br>
>>>> Libav-user mailing list<br>>>>> <a href="mailto:Libav-user@ffmpeg.org">Libav-user@ffmpeg.org</a><br>>>>> <a href="http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user">http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user</a><br>
>>>><br>>>>><br>>>><br>>>> _______________________________________________<br>>>> Libav-user mailing list<br>>>> <a href="mailto:Libav-user@ffmpeg.org">Libav-user@ffmpeg.org</a><br>
>>> <a href="http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user">http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user</a><br>>>><br>>>><br>>><br>>> _______________________________________________<br>
>> Libav-user mailing list<br>>> <a href="mailto:Libav-user@ffmpeg.org">Libav-user@ffmpeg.org</a><br>>> <a href="http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user">http://ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/libav-user</a><br>