Hi all, can anybody help me with teaching ffmpeg/libavformat to recognize h264 video in this mpegts dump?<div>vlc plays it well, but: avprobe (libav fork) shows <a href="http://pastebin.com/HUvstLQi">http://pastebin.com/HUvstLQi</a> , ffprobe shows <a href="http://pastebin.com/JQqHaGa9">http://pastebin.com/JQqHaGa9</a> .</div>
<div>The dump is: <a href="ftp://golosimperii.org/tmp/dump.ts">ftp://golosimperii.org/tmp/dump.ts</a></div><div>The dump is done from 6 MiB/s stream.</div><div>Of course, it is not necessary to download it all to test, you can download as many you think is reasonable - that's mpegts.<br clear="all">
<div><br></div>-- <br>Andrey Utkin<br><br>