Hi,<div><br></div><div>I am new to this mailing list and to ffmpeg/libav.</div><div>I successfully - using the sources of ffmpeg.c software - was able to read a .mov file and send it through rtmp without re-enconding as it's already in the right encoding (h264/aac).</div>
<div>But my issue is now i would like to read the mov file at the same time it's written. For that, i write the mov file with fragments intervals of 1s. </div><div>But when i try to read it and send it at the same time it's written, ffmpeg only read it up to the point it's was written once the reading process started. So basically if i started to read it when only 30s were written, it sends to the server only 30s of video where as meanwhile, more seconds were written.</div>
<div>Do you have any clues on how to achieve that. I need to force ffmpeg to reload the number of fragment or packet available in the file.</div><div><br></div><div>I hope you understood my issue and sorry i am quite new to using libav so there are a lot that i don't understand yet.</div>
<div>Thanks for your help.</div><div><div><br></div><div>Sincerely,</div><div>Nadim</div><div><br></div>