Hi,<br><br>I've been looking at hwdecode-demos from Splitted-Desktop Systems<br>to learn how to use vaapi hardware accelerated decoding with ffmpeg.<br><br>As I'm not begginer programmer, I think haven't got it all right.<br>
<br>It would be great if someone woud be so nice to write simple notes<br>how to set up and use functions to get avcodec_decode_video done<br>with vaapi.<br><br>I know that it has to do something with struct *vaapi_context and<br>
some functions - get_format. get_buffer, release_buffer - but I<br>can't figgure how to make that work with some simple ffmpeg api<br>like that one @ <a href="http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/">dranger.com/ffmpeg/</a><br><br>
Merry Christmas!<br><br>David<br>