<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>I am using libav with custom I/O (with avio_alloc_context()) for reading various stream.<br><br>In
my project, all my I/O are asynchronous but ffmpeg callbacks work in a
synchronous way. So right now, what I am doing is to use an internal
buffer 4 times bigger than my avio buffer and each time my read callback
is called I copy a part of my buffer and get new data asynchronously,
this works well for reading, but when I seek my media I don't have (yet)
data in my internal buffer. In such case what should I return in my
read callback?<br>
<br>Also, there is a flag AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCKING that I could pass to
avio_alloc_context but i couldn't figure how to use it (what should I
return in my read callback?)<br><br> is there any way to use custom I/O in an asynchronous fashion? <br>