<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hello,<br><br></div>I'm learning how to use libav to decode the video data into YUV. I try to use ffmpeg commend line and also use the example program "demuxing" which is provided in ffmpeg documentation. It surprised me that both resulted in different frame number.<br>
<br></div>I use the following ffmpeg commend line <br><br></div>ffmpeg -y -i sample.mp4 <span style="font-size:10.5pt;line-height:115%;font-family:"Courier New"">-an -r 24 -pix_fmt rgb24 -vcodec tiff tif/%06d.tif</span><br>
<br>to decode one video data file and get, e.g., 1460 frames.<br><br></div>Then, I used the example program "demuxing" <br><br></div>demuxing sample.mp4 out_video out_audio<br><br></div>to decode the same file and I got 1821 frames. <br>
<br></div>Can someone help me explain why the frame number is different with these two methods?<br><br></div>FYI, I run the program in Ubuntu operating system.<br><br></div>Thanks, <br><br><br><br></div><div>liang</div></div>