<div dir="ltr"><p>Hi everyone, </p><p>We are using FFmpeg libraries git-ee94362 libavformat v55.2.100.<br>Our purpose is to mux synthetic video and audio-file audio to 2 different files (in the same loop) <br>with the the same format and parameters.</p>
<p>With MP3 input, both M3U8 outputs are OK:<br>Output file #0: Total number of frames is: video = 229, audio = 347.<br>Output file #1: Total number of frames is: video = 229, audio = 347.<br> <br>But with AAC input, the 1st M3U8 output is OK, whereas the 2nd one - is not:<br>
Output file #0: Total number of frames is: video = 403, audio = 690.<br>Output file #1: Total number of frames is: video = 3, audio = 690.</p><p>It is exactly the same code in the main loop. We do not use the "aac_adtstoasc" filter in case of M3U output. <br>
By the way, the problem exist both with and without the filter, <br>since in case of MP4 output, the 1st output file is OK, whereas the 2nd one - is not, - as well.</p><p>Moreover, I have implemented the main loop as Windows threads, separated for every output file.<br>
The problem remains!</p><p>It seems that video PTS begins to be corrupted (wrong-calculated) for the 2nd (3rd, etc.) output file. </p><p>Our question: If somebody is known about such a problem? If yes, what can be a solution/workaround?<br>
Thank you.</p></div>