<div dir="ltr">Hi. I'm a beginner of libav api and i'm still learning how to use them. My goals are 2 different programs.<div>The first is a program that take an ac3 file with mixed 5.1 and 2.0 frames and convert the 2.0 frames to 5.1 and leave the 5.1 frames without reencoding them</div>
<div>The second is a basic editor that allows me to do basic edits (insert silence or delete audio in any point of the audio track) to an audio track (i already created it with ffmpeg/delaycut/eac3to exe but i'd like to have a more accurate and direct approach).</div>
<div>So i started to learn about api/decoding/encoding but most of the work online is based on seeking video.</div><div>I found this link that helped me a lot:</div><div><a href="http://www.gamedev.net/topic/624876-how-to-read-an-audio-file-with-ffmpeg-in-c/">http://www.gamedev.net/topic/624876-how-to-read-an-audio-file-with-ffmpeg-in-c/</a><br>
</div><div>Modding this code i'm able actually to read frame by frame an audio track, fecode the frame and detect if the frame is 2.0 or 5.1 but i don't know how to measure the frame lenght to know the timing i'm arrived and i don't know how to get the raw data to simply save them without decoding.</div>
<div>FFmpeg does it with -acodec copy -ss -t so i also tried to look in ffmpeg code but i couldn't find it.</div><div>There are bilt-in functions in libav to seek audio? Can someone give me a clue where i can start to look to understand these 2 things (seek and frame raw reading and saving) or give me some suggestion?</div>
<div>Thanks in advance</div><div>Emanuele</div></div>