<html><body><div style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000"><div aria-label="Compose body">I am compiling FFmpeg for both Mac and Windows. For Mac, I can compile the source unmodified as is and use it. For Windows, I have to modify libavformat/libavformat.av in order to allow 2 functions to be exported in avformat.dll. This is the only modification. The two functions are accessible from the unmodified source code compiled as dylibs.</div><div aria-label="Compose body"><br></div><div aria-label="Compose body">Is this considered a configuration option while building? I am concerned about licensing issues modifying FFmpeg source. When FFmpeg is configured, it is compiled without "--enable-gpl" and without "--enable-nonfree" but with "--enable-shared".</div><div aria-label="Compose body"><br></div><div aria-label="Compose body"><br></div></div></body></html>