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On 27.10.2016 13:01, qw wrote:<br>
<div>ffmpeg 2.8.6 is used to develop application, which reads
rtmp stream and does some video processing. 'AVIOInterruptCB
interrupt_callback' is used to avoid indefinite waiting if
there is no avpackets in network. But it doesn't work, and
avformat_open_input() waits forever. My source code is shown
as follows:</div>
<div>static int decodeInterruptCb(void *p)</div>
<div>Â Â return 1;</div>
<div>AVFormatContext *pIfmtCtx;</div>
<div>pIfmtCtx->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK;</div>
<div>pIfmtCtx->interrupt_callback.callback =
<div>pIfmtCtx->interrupt_callback.opaque = NULL;</div>
<div>avformat_open_input(&pIfmtCtx, pInRtmpUrl, NULL, NULL);</div>
<div>callback function is set that intends to return
immediately, Why avformat_open_input() still waits for
indefinite time?</div>
<div>Is there something wrong with the usage of ffmpeg lib?</div>
I think ticket #5615 have the same/similar problem.<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5615">https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/5615</a><br>
If that is, please bump/update it.<br>