<a href="mailto:libav-user@ffmpeg.org"></a><a href="mailto:libav-user@ffmpeg.org"><font size="4">Hi,</font></a><font size="4"><br></font><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 238);"><font size="4"> Is there any api in ffmpeg which can send an usb control request? <br>I can use the libusb's interface ( libusb_control_transfer() ) to accomplish this requirement, but this interface will cause the ffmpeg usb video streaming corrupt when i called it.<br>So, it is perfect if ffmpeg has such interface.<br> The usb control request format is as:</font><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><br><img src="cid:3009F909@CA19D56A.D5E1EA5A" alt=""><br> Best Regards <br></span></span><a href="mailto:libav-user@ffmpeg.org"></a>