<div dir="ltr">When call av_seek_frame with AVSEEK_FALG_BACKWARD, its expected behavior should be seek to "backward" keyframe of requested time.<div><br><div>But sometimes, it seeks to its "next" keyframe, not "backward". (might be when the requested time is just ONE frame before the time of its next keyframe, see <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20734814/ffmpeg-av-seek-frame-with-avseek-flag-any-causes-grey-screen" target="_blank">https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20734814/ffmpeg-av-seek-frame-with-avseek-flag-any-causes-grey-screen</a>) </div><div><br></div><div>Is this an expected behavior? if then, what is the correct way to seek to its backward keyframe?</div></div></div>