[FFmpeg-cvslog] AAC encoder: encode out-of-phase I/S efficiently

Claudio Freire git at videolan.org
Wed Jan 13 16:26:56 CET 2016

ffmpeg | branch: master | Claudio Freire <klaussfreire at gmail.com> | Sun Jan 10 03:04:21 2016 -0300| [699c2ee560532a5111a944d2653e9a3e484efc34] | committer: Claudio Freire

AAC encoder: encode out-of-phase I/S efficiently

Use the ability to invert phase with ms_mask instead of changing
the codebook when possible, to avoid having to switch codebooks
if some bands are INTENSTY_BT and others are INTENSITY_BT2, since
usually a set ms_mask uses less bits that a codebook change. While
it may not always be a win (ie: if it causes an ms_mask bitmap
to be sent when it wouldn't have been otherwise), it's unlikely
since the ms_mask bitmap will almost always be there already for
M/S itself.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=699c2ee560532a5111a944d2653e9a3e484efc34

 libavcodec/aacenc_is.c |    9 ++++++++-
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/aacenc_is.c b/libavcodec/aacenc_is.c
index d77fcb5..405f178 100644
--- a/libavcodec/aacenc_is.c
+++ b/libavcodec/aacenc_is.c
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void ff_aac_search_for_is(AACEncContext *s, AVCodecContext *avctx, ChannelElemen
     SingleChannelElement *sce0 = &cpe->ch[0];
     SingleChannelElement *sce1 = &cpe->ch[1];
-    int start = 0, count = 0, w, w2, g, i, prev_sf1 = -1;
+    int start = 0, count = 0, w, w2, g, i, prev_sf1 = -1, prev_bt = -1, prev_is = 0;
     const float freq_mult = avctx->sample_rate/(1024.0f/sce0->ics.num_windows)/2.0f;
     uint8_t nextband1[128];
@@ -139,11 +139,18 @@ void ff_aac_search_for_is(AACEncContext *s, AVCodecContext *avctx, ChannelElemen
                     cpe->ch[0].is_ener[w*16+g] = sqrt(ener0 / best->ener01);
                     cpe->ch[1].is_ener[w*16+g] = ener0/ener1;
                     cpe->ch[1].band_type[w*16+g] = (best->phase > 0) ? INTENSITY_BT : INTENSITY_BT2;
+                    if (prev_is && prev_bt != cpe->ch[1].band_type[w*16+g]) {
+                        /** Flip M/S mask and pick the other CB, since it encodes more efficiently */
+                        cpe->ms_mask[w*16+g] = 1;
+                        cpe->ch[1].band_type[w*16+g] = (best->phase > 0) ? INTENSITY_BT2 : INTENSITY_BT;
+                    }
+                    prev_bt = cpe->ch[1].band_type[w*16+g];
             if (!sce1->zeroes[w*16+g] && sce1->band_type[w*16+g] < RESERVED_BT)
                 prev_sf1 = sce1->sf_idx[w*16+g];
+            prev_is = cpe->is_mask[w*16+g];
             start += sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g];

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