[FFmpeg-cvslog] Merge commit '576c9003aef0fe18c0cf8da6e865211610552005'

Clément Bœsch git at videolan.org
Fri Mar 31 12:00:33 EEST 2017

ffmpeg | branch: master | Clément Bœsch <cboesch at gopro.com> | Fri Mar 31 11:01:33 2017 +0200| [6f957710461a78de2cc2e16d325708519f9cd0e8] | committer: Clément Bœsch

Merge commit '576c9003aef0fe18c0cf8da6e865211610552005'

* commit '576c9003aef0fe18c0cf8da6e865211610552005':
  configure: Improve output wording

Merged-by: Clément Bœsch <cboesch at gopro.com>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=6f957710461a78de2cc2e16d325708519f9cd0e8

 configure | 9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure b/configure
index c9bd799..0264afb 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Standard options:
   --logfile=FILE           log tests and output to FILE [config.log]
   --disable-logging        do not log configure debug information
   --fatal-warnings         fail if any configure warning is generated
-  --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [$prefix]
+  --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [$prefix_default]
   --bindir=DIR             install binaries in DIR [PREFIX/bin]
   --datadir=DIR            install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/ffmpeg]
   --docdir=DIR             install documentation in DIR [PREFIX/share/doc/ffmpeg]
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Standard options:
   --pkgconfigdir=DIR       install pkg-config files in DIR [LIBDIR/pkgconfig]
   --enable-rpath           use rpath to allow installing libraries in paths
                            not part of the dynamic linker search path
-                           use rpath when linking programs [USE WITH CARE]
+                           use rpath when linking programs (USE WITH CARE)
   --install-name-dir=DIR   Darwin directory name for installed targets
 Licensing options:
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Configuration options:
   --disable-static         do not build static libraries [no]
   --enable-shared          build shared libraries [no]
   --enable-small           optimize for size instead of speed
-  --disable-runtime-cpudetect disable detecting cpu capabilities at runtime (smaller binary)
+  --disable-runtime-cpudetect disable detecting CPU capabilities at runtime (smaller binary)
   --enable-gray            enable full grayscale support (slower color)
   --disable-swscale-alpha  disable alpha channel support in swscale
   --disable-all            disable building components, libraries and programs
@@ -6591,7 +6591,6 @@ echo "optimizations             ${optimizations-no}"
 echo "static                    ${static-no}"
 echo "shared                    ${shared-no}"
 echo "postprocessing support    ${postproc-no}"
-echo "new filter support        ${avfilter-no}"
 echo "network support           ${network-no}"
 echo "threading support         ${thread_type-no}"
 echo "safe bitstream reader     ${safe_bitstream_reader-no}"
@@ -6632,7 +6631,7 @@ done
 echo "License: $license"
-echo "Creating config.mak, config.h, and doc/config.texi..."
+echo "Creating configuration files ..."
 fi # test "$quiet" != "yes"


diff --cc configure
index c9bd799,7dda871..0264afb
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@@ -79,20 -79,15 +79,20 @@@ Help options
  Standard options:
    --logfile=FILE           log tests and output to FILE [config.log]
    --disable-logging        do not log configure debug information
 +  --fatal-warnings         fail if any configure warning is generated
-   --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [$prefix]
+   --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [$prefix_default]
    --bindir=DIR             install binaries in DIR [PREFIX/bin]
 -  --datadir=DIR            install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/avconv]
 -  --docdir=DIR             install documentation in DIR [PREFIX/share/doc/libav]
 +  --datadir=DIR            install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/ffmpeg]
 +  --docdir=DIR             install documentation in DIR [PREFIX/share/doc/ffmpeg]
    --libdir=DIR             install libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
 -  --shlibdir=DIR           install shared libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
 +  --shlibdir=DIR           install shared libs in DIR [LIBDIR]
    --incdir=DIR             install includes in DIR [PREFIX/include]
    --mandir=DIR             install man page in DIR [PREFIX/share/man]
 -  --enable-rpath           use rpath when linking programs (USE WITH CARE)
 +  --pkgconfigdir=DIR       install pkg-config files in DIR [LIBDIR/pkgconfig]
 +  --enable-rpath           use rpath to allow installing libraries in paths
 +                           not part of the dynamic linker search path
-                            use rpath when linking programs [USE WITH CARE]
++                           use rpath when linking programs (USE WITH CARE)
 +  --install-name-dir=DIR   Darwin directory name for installed targets
  Licensing options:
    --enable-gpl             allow use of GPL code, the resulting libs
@@@ -105,7 -100,7 +105,7 @@@ Configuration options
    --disable-static         do not build static libraries [no]
    --enable-shared          build shared libraries [no]
    --enable-small           optimize for size instead of speed
-   --disable-runtime-cpudetect disable detecting cpu capabilities at runtime (smaller binary)
 -  --enable-runtime-cpudetect detect CPU capabilities at runtime (bigger binary)
++  --disable-runtime-cpudetect disable detecting CPU capabilities at runtime (smaller binary)
    --enable-gray            enable full grayscale support (slower color)
    --disable-swscale-alpha  disable alpha channel support in swscale
    --disable-all            disable building components, libraries and programs
@@@ -6590,8 -5174,6 +6590,7 @@@ echo "optimize for size         ${small
  echo "optimizations             ${optimizations-no}"
  echo "static                    ${static-no}"
  echo "shared                    ${shared-no}"
 +echo "postprocessing support    ${postproc-no}"
- echo "new filter support        ${avfilter-no}"
  echo "network support           ${network-no}"
  echo "threading support         ${thread_type-no}"
  echo "safe bitstream reader     ${safe_bitstream_reader-no}"
@@@ -6630,9 -5200,20 +6629,9 @@@ for type in decoder encoder hwaccel par
 -license="LGPL version 2.1 or later"
 -if enabled nonfree; then
 -    license="nonfree and unredistributable"
 -elif enabled gplv3; then
 -    license="GPL version 3 or later"
 -elif enabled lgplv3; then
 -    license="LGPL version 3 or later"
 -elif enabled gpl; then
 -    license="GPL version 2 or later"
  echo "License: $license"
- echo "Creating config.mak, config.h, and doc/config.texi..."
+ echo "Creating configuration files ..."
  fi # test "$quiet" != "yes"

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